Tuesday, November 14, 2006

China - We Don't Censor the Internet ;-)

kaufmanmoore writes:

"A Chinese government official at a United Nations summit in Athens on internet governance has claimed that no Net censorship exists at all in China. The article includes an exchange by a Chinese government official and a BBC reporter over the blocking of the BBC in China."

From the article:
"I don't think we should be using different standards to judge China. In China, we don't have software blocking Internet sites. Sometimes we have trouble accessing them. But that's a different problem. I know that some colleagues listen to the BBC in their offices from the Webcast. And I've heard people say that the BBC is not available in China or that it's blocked. I'm sure I don't know why people say this kind of thing. We do not have restrictions at all."

Two days ago Google Page was blocked. After I wrote an email to Google USA and criticized the ineffectiveness of Google China company, it is OK since yesterday.Google Page has very few Chinese Google fans to use, but the function of uploading of files may has risks.Of course Blogger is totalled blocked, only occasionally when Blogger change its IP or URL it was available. This will help Chinese blog providers to have less pressure to run their business.


xiang said...
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xiang said...

Formerly higeeks.com was redirected to this blogspot. Now it is impossible, I tried others sites it is ok. Blogspot is blocked when URL redirection take effect.